Friday, September 26, 2008

An 'OMG!' Day..

Uh-huh. It is an "OMG!" Day. 1st, I saw my seatmate cheating. She was copying the spellings from the poster. But I think she erase 'em before the test started..IDK. And I also think she was copying my answers. And the worst part is, I didn't wanted to tell on her. Maybe it's because she's like my friend..She volunteered to share baskets and also get me a "Student Journal" and because I was afraid she was gonna hate me :P. I hate myself for being a "Miss Goody Two Shoes". UGH. And just 3-5 mins. ago, I drank rotten milk!!!!! I checked the expiration date and it said Oct 03 and it's still Sept 26. I instantly brushed my teeth and drank alot of water! I felt like barfing :P. Today isn't so lucky. Well, Bye Now!!!!

P.S. = No pics 'coz too lazy to put some. :P

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


LOL. I couldn't think of any title..Anyways, Today we just did normal school stuff..blah, blah, blah. Ms Collins, our teacher, also said that we would do drama on Friday..Me & my group have to pretend to be Aoife, Richard and Diarmaid from this Real Life Story. At the Right, Is the painting of the Marriage of Aoife and Richard [[de Clare a.k.a. Strongbow]]. Another topic to talk about right now is,,,DON'T FORGET, Demi's new album. I haven't bought it yet. But I loved the songs especially "on the line"..More Jemi..YAY!! Except, Nick had to be in the song *no offense Nick J fans*. I think That's all for now. BYE BYE!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sorry I haven't updated yesterday..

What the title says..Anyway, Yesterday, I was Absent. And that's pretty much it ((:. Oh, and I also made a [[new]] Forum named "Joe and Demi" a.k.a. "Jemi". Check it out >> Today, The internet Connection was Lost..It just got back now. I'm also too lazy to put up pix in today's blog..I'll just put up 1 Pic of the Forum I made. GTG now..Bye!! ((:.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Update..Jemistry? and NO BASKETBALL!!!!

Okay, So before anything else, I want to share w/ the Jemi [[Joe and Demi]] Fans this very cute video with lots o' Jemi Moments..Jemistry!! ((:.

Cute, huh? LOL. Anyways, My legs were very sore yesterday, even today..a little.
It's because of the basketball game we had last Friday. How am I supposed to Irish Dance tomorrow with a sore legs? UGH. Today, My family went out but I didn't came w/ 'em. And guess the reason why?..'coz of my $tuP!D sore foot!!!!!! That's all for now, BB.

Friday, September 19, 2008

♥ 'dis day!!

♥ This Day!! We played basketball today..but we lost )):. And today is the Premiere of CAMP ROCK!!!!!! Next Week, We gonna play Soccer..or As they call it here, Football. BTW, Did I mention we don't have Homework today?!?!?!?! Weeeeee. I just totally ♥ 'dis day. Well, Buh-bye Now!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Multiplication && Choir..

Hey ya'll! 1st o' all, just wanted to say..I AM SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW!!!!!! why? IT'S THE CAMP ROCK PREMIERE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Anyways, My teacher almost exploded awhile ago..She was so pissed 'coz none of us memorized our Multiplication Tables. And the Choir part of the title? Well, I just attended my 1st Choir 'meeting'! lol. We practiced this song called 'Windmill Town'. Next Choir 'meeting' @ Thurs. ((:..That's all for Now! BB!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey. I just finished doin' my homework!! Gah. There were LOADS!!!! Good thing I don't have to do Gaeilge/Irish! ((:. Anyways, I was the Messenger today..It was v. v. hard work! Especially if your the new girl. My classmates had to help me find where the office is, where to get the milk..blah, blah, blah :P. That's all I can Update for Now..SYS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

All 'bout the FIELD TRIP..

Time to Update 'bout the Field Trip/Outing! Well, It was kinda boring but fun :D. Anyways, We went to Dublinia..And guess what? I already went there w/ my family b4 the School Outing :P. Well, The digging part was really Kewl. I found a Horseshoe!! LOL. Whatelse can I say? Uhm, that's it!! HT--Ooh! I forgot, Check out the Dublinia Website ((:. >> HTG!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Update 'bout School...

Hey! Time for me to Update! Already done w/ my Homework ((:. Anyways, I said, I will update 'bout my Irish Dancing..Anyways, The Irish Dancing was Fun, Kinda getting it BUT I can't get the Feet thingy. LOL. Oh, And I've got some EXCITING News! Well, For me, Maybe ((:..Anyways, The 'news' is WE GONNA HAVE AN OUTING TOMORROW!!!!! It's like a Field Trip :D So Excited, Not sure where we gonna go [[forgot the name of the place]] but our teacher said we'd be digging for Viking Stuffs ((:. I'll be sure to Update 'bout that tomorrow!! UT.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just a Lil' Update..

Well, I don't really have something to type today 'coz we didn't went out or do anything. I just sat down here, in front of the laptop..watching Jemi stuffs. I just love that couple! Anyways, Tomorrow, We will have Irish Dancing @ School. I'll make sure that I will update about that =). Anyways, That's all for now! IPT!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm getting a DS Lite!! =P. 2=

Kk, I posted/updated again! heehee..Anyways, I/we just got home from buying [[my]] Nintendo DS Lite! Wee. It's cute..Although, I can't figure out the game I bought for my DS Lite. It's Puppy Luv: Spa & Resort. Still trying to figure it out. That's all for Now, BBFN!!

I'm getting a DS Lite!!

Yay me! So excited, Today, Imma get a [[Pink]] Nintendo DS Lite! :) Anyways, That's all I can update for now..Maybe, when we get home, I'll update 'bout my new DS Lite! :) Well, BBFN!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

UPDATE! I might lose My Voice :D ..!

LOL. Weird Title..I'll explain the title. Well, It's because I sung all day long. It's the Camp Rock Preview Night and the Shows that are being premiered have so many songs that I can't help but sing! Wanna know the show? Here's a list: -As the Bell Rings USA: Episode 2 - Talent Show (where Demi sung Shadow) -Hannah Montana: Episode 42 - "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas" (where HM & JBs sung We got the Party w/ us) -Jonas Brothers Live in London (where they sung some of their songs) -HSM 2 That's the List! I G2G. I'll update sooner or later..BBFN!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Got my 1st Green Card..

Hey ya'll! I felt like updatin' today so here's my update :D! Well, I got my 1st Green Card [[from School]]. I know ya'll dunno what a Green Card is, Well it's a thingy you get for having a good behaviour in St. Brigid's [[my school]].

Anyways, As ya'll can see I changed my blog template/layout and added a Countdown 'til Camp Rock Premiere in IE! Only 8 more days!! That's all for now..BBFN!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just a NOTE..