Friday, October 31, 2008

Still Alive..

Hey. I just posted this to let you know I'm still alive. I just haven't updated because the internet was disconnected the past few days. Anyway, how'd ya'll like the pix? LOLness. Tonight is the "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus best of both worlds concert in 3D"..Man, that was long! Also, we goin to a costume party at 7 pm and I'm gonna wear my Hannah Montana costume..again. This week is also Sem. Break week! Yay! But sadly, it has ended. Back to school on Monday. So, that's all for now..Byie!!

P.S. = I woulda posted some pix but I can't find any that fits this blog's theme..

Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Update and some Pix..

Okay. So, I'll just give you a little update. Last Wednesday, I watched HSM 3 and it was fantastic and Friday, we had a costume party and I dressed up as Hannah Montana. The school newspaper came out too and I read my article. Anyway, I'm too lazy to update right now so just take a look at this pix..I finally uploaded the pix of my painted face :P


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Update for 2day..

So, today we went to Maui's bday party. we haven't talk and stuff. her classmates were over. we also bought her a gift, an hsm pillow. i let 2 wee people (a.k.a. kids) play with my laptop. they really love it..we painted in ms paint and stuff! little kids really make me happy! (woah, mature talk much) except those active ones like my lil bro. on the bus ride home, there was some CRAZY teens who threw a melted ice cream at the bus we were riding on and i got hit, luckily just a little. anyway, it's 12:24 AM already so, nighty-night!!

P.S. = No pix! sorry.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Update 4d week.. (Skip-hop :P)

Here's an update..Monday, I didn't go to school and I forgot to watch RTE 2: The Den. I really wanted to watch me in it! Tuesday, Teacher wasn't in so I didn't have to submit an excuse letter! Yay! Wednesday, NM..Ms. C. Doyle merged mine and Sarah's work in the newsletter and I typed it in..they said i was a fast typist! *proud smiles*. LOL. Thursday, Nothing really :P. And Today, We had a skip-hop! It was cool but I only managed to jump 2! That's all. BTW, I know my cuz won't see this but Advance Happy 4th Bday, Paul!! (His Bday's tomorrow, 10/18). We also goin to Maui's bday party tomorrow..Maui is my mom's friend's daughter. We not that close. Well, That's all for now! BNTY!

P.S. = Lol the Picture above! :P

Friday, October 10, 2008

He'ya! Sorry I haven't updated 4a while..

Hey Guys. Okay, so I started on that School Newspaper thingy and I got assigned to do a Film Review about "Igor". The 5th and 6th Class went to IFI last Thursday to watch it. There were many guys from a diff. school, I think they're also in 5th class. Why do I care, anyways? :P. Today, they filmed us for RTE TWO: THE DEN! Wee. I'm gonna be on TV. So if you have that channel, watch News 2 @ 5:05. Also, I started making a YouTube Jemi Series called "No Ordinary Love". BTW, I haven't told you about this thingy yet. Okay, So, I've been helping out my seatmate with some work. Like how to spell big words and such. So, yesterday, Teacher gave her a green card because of her BIG improvement. But the only reason she had this BIG improvement because of me! That green card shoulda been mine!! Muahahaha!!!! LOL. But I got over it..I pointed out a mistake @ the book awhile ago at school and I'm the shy one so yeah, i'm proud of myself!! Good Job, Thea. Thank you, Thea. LOL. Well, I G2G now. Bye!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Best Week so far...

OMG! This is the Best Week so far. Sunday & Monday = ???, Tuesday = Half day, Wednesday = 1st Day of School Newspaper Editing!, Thursday = 5th and 6th Class will watch 'Igor' (w/o Parents) and Friday = We gonna be filmed in RTE Two: The Den!

MAN! I'm so excited for Wed, Thurs & Fri!! Okie Dokie, Bye bye!! (:.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

GREAT News! [Maybe just for me..]

Hey! I just got my own Laptop!!!!!!! It's brand is advent. Color Black at the Outside and Silver, Inside! Man, it's so cool! I'm using it right now! It's soo cute..So small. Anyway, Still no pics of moi's painted face :P. So, I guess that's all. It's already 10:30, Nighty-night!!

P.S. = No pix 'coz 2 tired 2 post.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Update as of 10/04/08

Okay, so today, we watched "Fly me to the Moon" and ate at this Malaysian Resto..Wow, I already forgot the name! We just like came back 5 minutes ago. Anyways, Fly me to the moon was Kewl, i guess. I still can't post pix of my "painted face" because it's still not uploaded in the laptop. Hopefully, tomorrow it will be posted. Tomorrow, My 'rens gonna buy me my own laptop!!!! YAY!!!!!! I'll update 'bout that tomorrow. WOW,,I already mention "tomorrow" 3 times..oh, wait..4! :D. Okay, well bye bye ((:.

Friday, October 3, 2008

New Update,,,

Hey. Sorry I haven't updated forever. I've been busy. You know, with School work. And also lazy. I'll tell you what happened the days before. Monday, There was Irish Dancing Lessons and there was this move called "Sailor Dance" or something and I couldn't do it )):. Oh well. Tuesday, I couldn't quite remember. Wednesday, I had to absent 'coz I had to babysit my lil' bro. Yesterday, We went to Warrenmount Secondary School and I got my face painted. I would post pix of the school but I can't find any later BUT I'll post pix of my painted face later :D. And today is Gym day :P. We played a new sport now..Soccer, or which they call it here, Football. Kk, that's all. Bye Bye ((:.