Friday, October 10, 2008

He'ya! Sorry I haven't updated 4a while..

Hey Guys. Okay, so I started on that School Newspaper thingy and I got assigned to do a Film Review about "Igor". The 5th and 6th Class went to IFI last Thursday to watch it. There were many guys from a diff. school, I think they're also in 5th class. Why do I care, anyways? :P. Today, they filmed us for RTE TWO: THE DEN! Wee. I'm gonna be on TV. So if you have that channel, watch News 2 @ 5:05. Also, I started making a YouTube Jemi Series called "No Ordinary Love". BTW, I haven't told you about this thingy yet. Okay, So, I've been helping out my seatmate with some work. Like how to spell big words and such. So, yesterday, Teacher gave her a green card because of her BIG improvement. But the only reason she had this BIG improvement because of me! That green card shoulda been mine!! Muahahaha!!!! LOL. But I got over it..I pointed out a mistake @ the book awhile ago at school and I'm the shy one so yeah, i'm proud of myself!! Good Job, Thea. Thank you, Thea. LOL. Well, I G2G now. Bye!!